Showing posts with label it services. Show all posts
Showing posts with label it services. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

IT Managed Service Providers Can Be Extremely Cost Effective

IT managed service providers can be extremely beneficial to the client receiving the services as well as attractive to businesses providing the services. The most well known example of managed IT services is that of the managed dedicated server where all technical changes as well as the physical server are taken care of by the service provider. IT management as a service has begun to receive notice and acceptance well beyond the simple managed server from both providers and from clients.

In the digital age physical presence is not necessary for effective IT management. IT costs can fluctuate from month to month expenses with a managed solution can be fixed, while service levels can improve. This allows any company to budget IT department expenses from month to month and also avoid the expense of maintaining a large in house staff.

Almost every business uses their IT department in a different way and a managed solution allows the company access to experts in their area without the expense of attempting to locate and retain these experts. Providers are finding the idea of managed services attractive as well since they gain the added benefits of a stable and predictable income as well as familiarity with each client which usually results in better service.

Some sectors of IT are more difficult to market than others and more groundwork and careful marketing must be done. Other sectors are very fertile ground for IT managed services as the prospective client base has been introduced to the concept by way of similar services. There are also specific governmental regulations that should be considered in the planning stage for any provider such as regulations for data storage and backup.

Security of data has always been a high priority for businesses and the potential market for managed services of this type is very large, particularly in small and medium sized businesses. Website hosting and data storage are also areas which tend to meet less sales resistance from the clients. Obviously these are not the only managed services which can be beneficial to both the customer and the provider but these areas have already gained wide acceptance.

Managed dedicated website servers have been common for many years and most clients with a web presence view these as most cost effective. Clients of these managed services find they need only consider the needs of their business and their customers and leaving the maintenance and security of the server to professionals frees them for the tasks which make them money. It generally works well for both the client who has a fixed expense each month for hosting fees and well for the provider who has a stable income and a team of experts to help maintain the servers.

Desktop as a service, software as a service and even infrastructure as a service have introduced customers to an entire new world of managed services which are cost effective and time savers as well. Both small companies and larger corporations find benefit in these service solutions. While not every potential customer is yet won over, the numbers increase daily.

Service providers are turning their attention toward providing IT managed services to clients. The technological sector these providers target determines the amount of marketing and type of marketing necessary to be successful. Managed solutions provide benefits to both sides of the contract. The first few months are crucial in establishing customer loyalty to a managed solution.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Troubleshooting Application Issues With IT Managed Services

To understand the benefits and challenges of IT managed services, first one must understand the business that is Internet technology. For, while some individuals have great knowledge of internet technology, many others are looking to enter the field in the near future due to the great success of the Internet over the years. In addition, with so many new applications and services being offered, the more one knows about technology the better chance one has at obtaining such a position in the future. In order to succeed however, one must understand the various applications and processes that the managed services team uses and the service such a team provides. Of course, one function is to upload any security patches or software upgrades so that clients can download such data to their site remotely. In addition, often these individuals are key in staying connected with client personnel through a virtual network. In doing so, both companies can see a great deal of savings on time and travel as a benefit to such application. Although, with as fast as technology moves, sometimes it can be very hard to keep up with challenging competitors and new and exciting trends in the area of IT. Still, it can also be a good time for one to get their foot in the door as the future is technology to some degree. Regardless, if one can learn the ropes in relation to IT management, one may have a very bright future when it comes to finding employment. Of course, the more one stays on top of new trends in technology, the better the chance. However, one must also understand the benefits associated with the many applications in order to sell customers on the various security patches or software upgrades which may have costs associated with same. So, the more software applications one knows the better. For, this is true whether one is an employee working on such a product for a client, or one who delivers such products to a client, for both require knowledge and knowledge is power.


With regards to terminology, IT managed services, as of now is not proprietary and does not belong to any individual or company. However, it is a phrase and title that is used quite often. Most likely because the phrase states the definition of what an IT management team does, manage services to clients with products associated with IT services. As such, it has become a well known phrase whose origin remains unclear at this point and time.


While process improvement and the increase in processing speed of downloads and other functions are a key part of managed services team responsibilities, assistance relating to products from vendors or technical assistance is not. Although, there are also business management functions, methodologies and frameworks associated with same. As such, this area of IT covers a large area, which at times, can be hard to define in its entirety due to the broad scope in which team members operate. Whereas, operational concerns are also key in overall improvement are often related to information technology and are in turn seen as an integral part of operations architecture. Although, one may want to note that this area is different from internet technology development or application support. Still, it is a valid area in which automatic updates and other automatic processing are included. Therefore, it is still relevant when it comes to managed services as related to Internet technology.


Last but not least, while computer software written for sale or designing microprocessors would not be under this area of IT, systems used by those in business and marketing companies may very well be. Of course, whether one is working for a company receiving IT Managed Services or one is an employee of a managed services team, there is no doubt that the individual has found success within the realm of Internet Technology. To this end, anyone with knowledge of a variety of applications, is good with customers and can provide outstanding service would make an excellent member of an IT managed services team.